ter ter...winter!

I'm feeling very happy and reborn today because winter is finally over Athens. I'm a winter weather lover myself, so that's why I had to shout my happiness :) I don't like warm weather because it makes me feel drowsy and exhausted, whereas cold weather keeps me alert and ready to face any rpoblems. I'm now in my loft, with the central heating on and the carpet finally set on the floor. YAY! Winter is here and is gonna stay -hopefully-.


Kelly said...

I'm not particularly happy and you know that...but I bought a new pair of knee high boots yesterday that promise to keep my legs warm during this...deprived of colour and light, time of year! Congrats on the wintery make over of your loft! Your loft itself deserves a post...dont you think?

Lefteris said...

Haha, your comment made me laugh so much, you crazy! I may consider that suggestion of yours about my loft :)